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Add-On Services

Vacuum therapy is a pleasant & non-invasive approach that achieves powerful results. Treatments can profoundly affect physiology & structures, enabling the body to release old restrictions & return to healthy functioning. Treatments can be done once for simple issues, or in a series to resolve complex conditions

Essential oils are plant extracts & aromatherapy is the practice of utilizing essential oils for therapeutic benefits. When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Essential oils can also be absorbed by the skin. A massage therapist can add a few drops of essential oils to a carrier oil and massage into the skin to aid in a particular ailment. 

Dry brushing is incorporating the use of a dry, stiff- bristled brush during your massage. The purpose of this is to rid of flaky skin, increase circulation, detoxify, aid in the lymphatic system, give the skin a radiant glow and even help stimulate the nervous system.

Sugar scrubs are a wonderful addition to any massage! Therapist applies a sugar scrub to client specified area (forearms and hands or feet and calves) then covers the area with warm towels. Towels are then used to remove the sugar scrub revealing soft, exfoliated skin

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